
Obama Stands With Muslims?

In 'Audacity of Hope' Obama wrote: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." Now it appears to be a GOP talking point. The ignorant thing is that he did not stand with the Muslims, he stood for the might of the empire that slaughters Muslims. So it shows that he backed down on his convictions not that he is somehow evil. It's Bullshit to bring it up no w because he didn't do it. My spouse put it this way: It's the idea that we treat a whole group of people wrongly because of the actions of a few that look like them. What does that sound like to you? This is one reason an apology is due. This and the mass murder. What should Obama do? Obama should be apologizing to Muslims. Many of you should be apologizing to Muslims. If Obama gets up there and Apologizes for these actions then I will have a lot more respect for him.


Oh-oh! Politicians share personality traits with serial killers: Study

I grew up in Ohio. People used to say there that Ohio has has more serial killers and presidents than any other state. I don't know how true that is or if it is just one of those things you often hear repeated. I do know that it looks like there may be a reason for this.

This L.A. Times article is just too wonderful for words. It really reaffirms so much of what I often say.

Oh-oh! Politicians share personality traits with serial killers: Study

Using his law enforcement experience and data drawn from the FBI's behavioral analysis unit, Jim Kouri has collected a series of personality traits common to a couple of professions.

Kouri, who's a vice president of the National Assn. of Chiefs of Police, has assembled traits such as superficial charm, an exaggerated sense of self-worth, glibness, lying, lack of remorse and manipulation of others.

These traits, Kouri points out in his analysis, are common to psychopathic serial killers.

But -- and here's the part that may spark some controversy and defensive discussion -- these traits are also common to American politicians. (Maybe you already suspected.)

Oh-oh! Click Here for the full article.

A Winter Soldier’s Quest for Congress by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com

A Winter Soldier’s Quest for Congress by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com

Ex-Marine, Iraq vet, and antiwar activist Adam Kokesh is finally ready to fight The Man – from inside the system. But as he makes the rounds through the New Mexico congressional district he hopes to one day represent, he’s finding out fast that people are more apathetic about U.S. interventions abroad than ever before.

"Nobody cares about the war. It’s predictable, but it’s sad," said Kokesh in a recent interview with Antiwar.com. "We have 300,000 troops serving in harm’s way, but I hardly get asked questions about that. I hardly get any questions about foreign policy."

Click Here to read the rest of: A Winter Soldier’s Quest for Congress by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com

Florida case highlights erosion of property rights

Florida case highlights erosion of property rights

The Supreme Court is wrestling with a case involving a state-funded program of beach sand replenishment that’s threatening the property rights of private beach owners. But the conflict that gave rise to this case should never have arisen at all.

The lawsuit was brought by owners of beachfront property in Florida whose deeds include the beaches themselves. (That’s not always the case—in some states, private ownership of beaches is forbidden by state governments that declare them all public property). Like many states, Florida has a program of beach replenishment to compensate for erosion from hurricanes and natural wave action. These programs pay for powerful dredging machines to pump new sand onto the beach at public expense.
Click Here to read the rest of the article.


A case against government Part 2: Migration

Are freedoms determined by birth alone? The issue of immigration is based on biases, and prejudices no matter how subtle. This is not to call pro-state controlled immigration advocates “racist” but mostly unaware and misinformed. It is also a tendency for those individuals to claim to have anti-statist views or small government views which are compromised by their support of the state in this area in an attempt to keep out the others. This is the typical us vs. them conflict once more. Welfare! No Free Lunches! Work Hard get far! Immigrants are leeching off the welfare system! All rubbish. That is right, all of these battle cries of the Neo-Con and conservative right are rubbish. “But Punk Johnny Cash!” you scream, “you support the abolition of welfare, social security, Medicaid, Medicare, and any government assistance whatsoever, how can you say such things are rubbish?”

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A case against government Part 1: Police State

We have to have government. Who would protect us if we didn’t have police? Right? I keep hearing these questions and claims. The Supreme Court blew holes in those arguments when they decided it was not the job of the police to protect people. If you have a hard time with believing that then just check it out yourself Click here. So we know the police are not there to protect us, but they are there to enforce laws. What laws do they enforce and why? Well we know they enforce the laws that enable them to demand money from law abiding citizens. This is what happened to Fire Chief Don Payne, who spoke out against the extortion racket his town was running. When the federal government and state budgets run short police stations find ways to get the funding they need from citizens. We hear about it on the news and around town and in Jericho.

If a citizen or company were to choose to supplement income by forcing it out of people by threat of a gun they would be called a criminal and sent to jail. This is no different than organized crime. If you still doubt the thug violent nature of police I would ask you to visit GoodieMonster’s Blog Governed By Wolves, and watch this video (Click here) he posted.

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Phillip Morris Bailout

Smoking is perceived as this great immorality now days. Of course it is, we have to push massive taxation on someone, why not create a villain and make the villain pay for the taxes. Do you remember Tea? We had a revolution over this bull. Now we have a smoker in the white house and he is forced to hide it. He knows it's politically incorrect to buy cigarettes. In a time of economic down turn we decide to go after an American industry and add more taxes? They want people to quit. Never mind the jobs that will be lost from tobacco stores and tobacco companies.

Breaking News! Phillip Morris New Bailout!

You heard it right here. Phillip Morris came on bended knee to Congress today asking for their bailout. Instead of giving tax relief Congress looked at how many jobs would be in jeopardy. Nancy Pelosi wanted to know why they mishandled their company so terribly. Phillip Morris said "We didn't you taxed us into the ground"

Nancy responded with "Everyone else pays their taxes why can't you?" Then she proceed to suggest a 90% tax on any money she would give them.

Houdini stood in awe wondering where the money came from in the first place.

Apparently Nancy has a never ending Master Card that she figures the Americans will pay off for her once she is done.

Why don't we just make Congress pay for it all and leave us alone, then we'll see just what they do with that Master Card.